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Palliative Care

All hospice care is palliative in nature by focusing on comfort care measures for the patient, but there is also a medical specialty called Palliative Care. Our Palliative Care program focuses on aggressive pain control and symptom management for people with serious or life-limiting illnesses.


Palliative Care may be appropriate at any stage of a serious illness. The improved comfort and quality of life, along with likely reductions in hospitalizations and healthcare costs, provide peace of mind. Click here for the National Institute on Aging's article "What is Palliative Care?"

Who Provides Palliative Care?


Our specially trained care team includes: Physician Medical Director, Nurse Practitioner, Palliative Care Coordinator, Social Worker and Spiritual Care Coordinator, as needed, in most cases.

Who Could Benefit From Palliative Care?

Patients may benefit from a palliative care assessment and appropriate care if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms related to a serious illness such as: pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, constipation, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, restlessness, confusion, or chemotherapy side effects.


Events or situations that may trigger palliative care referrals include, but are not limited to, multiple hospitalizations in the last year, symptoms and stressors associated with a serious illness, understanding the benefit vs. burden of treatment, or understanding expectations of the serious illness progression.

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